Pomegranates: The New Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy?: "How do pomegranates work their magic?

An 8 ounce glass of pomegranate juice contains about 40% of the RDA of vitamin C, and also is rich in vitamins A and E and folic acid.

The pomegranate fruit contains antioxidants called phytochemicals, which protect plants from harmful elements in the environment. These same phytochemicals when ingested protect the cells in our body.  The juice has been found to contain higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices, including cranberry or blueberry, and more even than red wine or green tea."

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A Melhor Amiga Da Barbie: Passatempo Oriflame - Anocas:

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... in soft rain, on wet stones.

Wasn't unpleasant at all surprisingly =)
Brain discards voices to cope with cocktail party 

When the subjects successfully focused their attention, their brain activity showed that they were processing only that voice. It was “as if the other one was not even heard”, says Chang.
When listeners failed to pick a voice out of the mix, their brain activity was smudged and unfocused. When they attended to the wrong voice, the data showed a clean representation of that voice.
The finding fits with a growing body of evidence that sound is processed as soon as it enters the brain. “The early areas of the cortex don’t just represent a stimulus, but what the subject does with it,” says Andrew King, an auditory neuroscientist at the University of Oxford, UK.
King would like to see the experiment run in more realistic surroundings, with voices coming from different directions. “It would be interesting to do the same study by presenting two sources, one to each ear, or from different locations in space,” says King.
It would also be intriguing, he says, to see how the brains of hearing-impaired people direct their attention when handling multiple voices.

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When the young of large animals start out small, they must grow through a large size range before reaching adulthood, and compete with species of many different sizes as they do so.
Codron and his colleagues developed a model that suggests that there was intense competition among small and medium-sized dinosaurs, so that it was difficult for medium-sized adults to make a living, and adults had to keep growing until they reached very large sizes to gain a competitive edge. In comparison to mammals, relatively few dinosaurs are known with adult sizes between 1 kilogram and 1,000 kilograms.
But being big also has drawbacks. When an asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago) wiped out most large-bodied animals, there were so few small dinosaur species that the group was almost obliterated, with only the birds surviving. However, the many small mammals alive at the time were well suited to a world that favoured diminutive species.
“I love the idea that egg-laying led dinosaurs to engage in such different niche occupation from mammals and that this played a part in their eventual extinction,” says John Hutchinson, an evolutionary biologist at the Royal Veterinary College in Hatfield, UK. “But we are going to see a lot of debate over how accurate these models really are,” he adds.

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Statins, Chronic Disease -- and the Definition of Insanity - Health Stew -

First, on Feb. 28, the FDA announced the development of new warning labels for cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, warning of the risk of type II diabetes and memory loss from taking the drugs. 

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Como Dar Vida ao Olhar por Jenna Menard - YouTube: ""

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The Dangerous Truth Behind Microwaves | Natural Society:

Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, stated the following on page 314 in his book:
It’s [Microwave sickness] first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure.
This phase also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease [the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks].

Read more:

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May the Laughs Be Ever in Your Favor:

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Want to test your ability to discern colours? FM 100 Hue Test is a very hard way to check how good or bad you are (or how good or bad your screen is :p) arranging four strips of different colour hues correctly.

I must say I thought I'd get a perfect score (ZERO!) but I got a 12... The ones I did worse on were the bottom two so my advice is to not do the whole thing in a row because it's really hard on the eyes.

Good luck!
From the Facebook page of GreenMedInfo (like this page for interesting updates on published articles about natural substances related to medicine) I obtained the link to an article relating curcumin (in Portugal it is present in Açafrão) with positive results on AD (Alzheimer's Disease) published in 2006. (original article - abstract only) (GreenMedInfo page)
Embora diga roupa interior no Destak (será roubado da Deratus News?) e no site da Benetton também, após ter ido à loja posso dizer que é roupa casual/básica se usada de forma correcta. 
Faz parte da colecção Undercolours e é daquele tipo de roupa bom para usar em casa, por baixo de uma camisola ou casaco (o chamado layering - vestir roupa às camadas), fazer exercício e usar leggins como calças para fazer figura de parva. Também é perfeito para pijama super confortável.

Desde dos tempos em que a Oysho passou a ter roupa de carácter duvidoso (é uma t-shirt? é pijama? Vi no CC usarem como t-shirt...) que esta dúvida surge a muitas pessoas e acho que é uma separação que depende do estilo de cada um. 

Os preços são acessíveis por exemplo com tops de alças a 12,95€. O tecido é muito elástico e muito confortável e suave ao toque. Uma boa compra para quem precisa de peças para ir ao ginásio, fazer jogging ou quem gosta de usar roupa às camadas.
I have survived!

A long day and a stressfull one at that! But perseverance pays off.

Managed to do all the things I set out to do and through shear positive thinking all will work out as planned over the weekend as well.

Hope everyone else made it through the wilderness, yeah hope you made it through-uh-who!

Maybe this isn't the most appropriate image... But there are red lips present!
Através de uns passatempos (obrigada Carlos) descobri uns blogs interessantes com passatempos e não só. Descrições de produtos, cosméticos, moda, etc. Sendo que isto é algo que me interessa muito e até gostaria eu própria de fazer qualquer dia algo semelhante (como prometido), achei por bem partilhar estes recentes descobrimentos.

Foi no cuscaki que descobri este site para remodelar paredes e superfícies entre outras coisas.
Vera Garcia. Workshops de maquilhagem essencialmente na área de Lisboa.