First I get up at 7:40 am as usual.
I get ready. I wash my hair, put on make up and get dressed. I pack a snack.

I leave the house a little bit too late and work up a fast pace to catch my train. I realize I don't know where my transportation pass is even though I was certain I had put it in my back pocket as usual. So I head back thinking I dropped it in the elevator upon placing it in said pocket. As I reach the road I see it run over but a bus in the middle of the zebra crossing (yes I know... I'm such an upstanding citizen!).

I'm back on track to the train station hoping I don't miss my train. Almost in line of sight with it I see a lot of cars and heavy traffic thinking "People sure worry about a little bit of rain and would rather drive then get wet walking. Lucky me, I'll find a seat today!"

AND THEN... I reach a very very full station!
 I run down and get a newspaper.

It takes me about a minute to decide to go back home... Even if a train shows I'll never fit in it. I warned almost everyone who passed me that there was a strike so no need to be hasty (cashing in on some Karma while I'm at it).

And then I decide I should make some arrangements at school. Give some warning.
*message not sent*
Ahh... I need to put money on my phone.
I get home, and install all sorts of crap on my pc (format c: just yesterday).
Then I log onto the bank's website...
*We are running maintenance and are disinclined to acquiesce to your request* (I saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday... :p)

So e-mail it is.
Now I got an empty pc, a long day, maybe no Office to get some work done and a very very bad mood.
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