First I get up at 7:40 am as usual.
I get ready. I wash my hair, put on make up and get dressed. I pack a snack.

I leave the house a little bit too late and work up a fast pace to catch my train. I realize I don't know where my transportation pass is even though I was certain I had put it in my back pocket as usual. So I head back thinking I dropped it in the elevator upon placing it in said pocket. As I reach the road I see it run over but a bus in the middle of the zebra crossing (yes I know... I'm such an upstanding citizen!).

I'm back on track to the train station hoping I don't miss my train. Almost in line of sight with it I see a lot of cars and heavy traffic thinking "People sure worry about a little bit of rain and would rather drive then get wet walking. Lucky me, I'll find a seat today!"

AND THEN... I reach a very very full station!
 I run down and get a newspaper.

It takes me about a minute to decide to go back home... Even if a train shows I'll never fit in it. I warned almost everyone who passed me that there was a strike so no need to be hasty (cashing in on some Karma while I'm at it).

And then I decide I should make some arrangements at school. Give some warning.
*message not sent*
Ahh... I need to put money on my phone.
I get home, and install all sorts of crap on my pc (format c: just yesterday).
Then I log onto the bank's website...
*We are running maintenance and are disinclined to acquiesce to your request* (I saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday... :p)

So e-mail it is.
Now I got an empty pc, a long day, maybe no Office to get some work done and a very very bad mood.
This is a post dedicated to my friend

My friend has many names... I have three names for him. I know his real name, I know his fake name and I often address him by a nickname. His name is Håvard, his name is Skorpys, his name is Pervie. Now you can call him Håvard or Skorpys but only I get to call him Pervie.

My friend lives in Norway (that part of Europe that resembles a flaccid... Well look it up on google if you don't know or just check out this video "This is Norway").

My friend plays with me. Yes I couldn't make it sound any worse by phrasing it like that. We play World of Warcraft for many years now. In fact we pretend to play because we don't really have the time to show up on online anymore but have chosen to keep in touch.

My friend is my friend because even though we only know each other online we can call each other friend.

This is my way to tell the world I have this friend and this friend is special to me. I know he doesn't need a thank you but I'll give him one anyway because that is what friends are for.

Thank you for being my friend.