I hear the cold wind ahead
The ringing noise that soars past
The whisper of pain in my ears and bones
I try to lean on you again
But you are never there
Through the tears of memories past I see you
But you are only a ghost of my mind
The memory I've been chasing for years
I see the night and the dark
And I feel hope evade
It flows into the ground and the earth
Making me week and dizzy
But you are never out of reach
For you live in my heart
The sun will soon rise for me
And though I am blind and grey
You will be there for me
And I will forever see you and chase you
For home is only in your arms
And rest will come when I catch you
The ringing noise that soars past
The whisper of pain in my ears and bones
I try to lean on you again
But you are never there
Through the tears of memories past I see you
But you are only a ghost of my mind
The memory I've been chasing for years
I see the night and the dark

And I feel hope evade
It flows into the ground and the earth
Making me week and dizzy
But you are never out of reach
For you live in my heart
The sun will soon rise for me
And though I am blind and grey
You will be there for me
And I will forever see you and chase you
For home is only in your arms
And rest will come when I catch you