I have been asleep but now i am awake
I let the water flow to the emptiness of the sea
But I couldn't keep up
I look at the water passed
And see all the times I cried and all the times I smiled
I see knots untied and bitter lose ends
Like in the eye of a hurricane I stood unmoved and unchanged
The wind blowing around me
And the leaves of my thoughts blown far away
But I awoke and took slow steps out of safety
Soon I was caught in the drafts and the dampness of the rain
The drops and tears mixed on my skin and I was lost
Now I look at the sea of my memories
And regret the bitter taste of lost opportunities
I see myself in a broken glass lying on the floor
For the first time in this storm
I can see, I can hear and I can breathe
I can admit I am too proud to change all the things I said and wish I didn't
I can long to replace them with all the words I never spoke and wish I had