"Howdy Manuela Adriano Moreira,

This is for your records, business papers, or what-have you.

Congratulations! You may now call yourself an official Dudeist Priest. You can also call yourself a Reverend, Minister, Cleric, Rabbi, or whatever you like. If you're interested in officiating at wedding ceremonies, please contact your local county clerk first to see if they recognize your new status as an ordained Minister.

The Dudely Lama
The Church of the Latter-Day Dude"

Why Thank You so very much Dudeism! I think I'm going with Priestess (short for Dudeist Priestess).

"The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely White/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962 (in common usage the ‘Capoid’ and ‘Congoid’ groups classified by Coon is merged under ‘Negroid’). There is no universally accepted classification for “race”, however, and its use has been under fire over the last few decades. The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world, according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American."

Anyone else get really annoyed to hear they are "Hispanic" or whatever? So the USA decides ethnicity can replace race and the rest of us have to listen to their stupidity... Luckily we are used to stupidity.
I saw some idiot woman on youtube that thought her race was Hispanic and she was shocked when she saw White on some official document... Americans! Honestly!
Like I would go to the USA and suddenly be another race? Whereas in Europe everyone is White unless they are Black or Asian.
Maybe that is why they have so much racism, maybe they should spend less time labelling people on some chart that goes from White through different shades of Brown to Black to figure out what race or ethnicity badge they should wear and all try being American.
Beside giving White people a bad reputation this obsession with ethnicity is so xenophobic... Is it so important to differentiate between the different types of Hispanic and White when they have no idea where any of those countries are anyway?
Why is it so important to carry a label of a place you have no idea where it is?
Or worse to label someone something you have no idea what it means?
Go European... Work your prejudice according to country. Once you learn where they are and who lives in them.