
Candidata: Manuela Adriano Moreira

Presidente: Profª Isabel Sá-Correia 
Orientadora: Profª Helena Vasconcelos Pinheiro 
Co-Orientadora: Dra. Nídia Lourenço de Almeida 
Vogal: Dra. Gilda Carvalho Oehmen, FCT-UNL
Título da Dissertação: Characterization of the microbial population dynamics in sequencing batch reactors
Data: 25 de Novembro de 2011
Hora: 17:30 h
Local: Sala P1, Pav. de Matemática do IST 

Artigo 13
(Princípio da igualdade)
1. Todos os cidadãos têm a mesma dignidade social e são iguais perante a lei.
2. Ninguém pode ser privilegiado, beneficiado, prejudicado, privado de qualquer direito ou isento de qualquer dever em razão de ascendência, sexo, raça, língua, território de origem, religião, convicções políticas ou ideológicas, instrução, situação económica, condição social ou orientação sexual.

From now on I'm going to try to post vanity items I find very good or very disappointing! Such as shampoo, make-up, lotions, accessories... etc.
I will also post the price I find (€-Portugal).

Hope it becomes useful to someone someday somewhere. They will be grouped under the label vanity
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Speaking Portuguese

  • Seven former colonies have Portuguese as their official language: Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor
  • It is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world, with roughly 240 million speakers

The Lost Generation

  • Youth unemployment in Portugal is 26.8%, with more than 95,000 people jobless between the ages of 16 and 25
  • About 6.5% of the country's population of 10 million left the country between 1998 and 2008, according to economist Alvaro Santos Pereira
  • About a quarter of the working population are freelance, even if they work full time
  • A protest picnic in March which brought 400,000 people on to the streets of Lisbon and Porto, was one of the biggest demonstrations in the country since the 1974 revolution

"Banks. They made mistakes and now they say we have to pay. But I disagree, I don't want to pay," she says. "I prefer to leave everything behind - family, friends, my culture - everything than to pay for a crisis I didn't cause."


20-point Hare PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist-Revised)
Item 1 Glibness/superficial charm
Item 2 Grandiose sense of self-worth
Item 3 Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Item 4 Pathological lying
Item 5 Cunning/manipulative
Item 6 Lack of remorse or guilt
Item 7 Shallow affect
Item 8 Callous/lack of empathy
Item 9 Parasitic lifestyle
Item 10 Poor behavioural controls
Item 11 Promiscuous sexual behaviour
Item 12 Early behaviour problems
Item 13 Lack of realistic long-term goals
Item 14 Impulsivity
Item 15 Irresponsibility
Item 16 Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Item 17 Many short-term marital relationships
Item 18 Juvenile delinquency
Item 19 Revocation of conditional release
Item 20 Criminal versatility
Scores: 0, 1 or 2
Total points: 40
What I learn watching The Biggest Loser / Peso Pesado (Portuguese version stupidly called Heavy Weight) - well not from the show itself but from the commercials - is:
(1) XLS pills to go from a size XL to a size S;
(2) Bio Active Slim Duo to lose weight while you sleep;
(3) Depuralina anti-cellulite to lose 30% fat, -4.5cm and get rid of the trash your body accumulates;
(4) Alli to help you lose 1kg for every 2kg you lose for yourself;
(5) Antistax for healthy legs, pain free and stronger blood vessels.

I wonder what the hell they do so much exercise for... In fact why do we bother dieting/exercising at all?
Waiting on feedback for gold, experience and general plunder and debaucheries!
First I get up at 7:40 am as usual.
I get ready. I wash my hair, put on make up and get dressed. I pack a snack.

I leave the house a little bit too late and work up a fast pace to catch my train. I realize I don't know where my transportation pass is even though I was certain I had put it in my back pocket as usual. So I head back thinking I dropped it in the elevator upon placing it in said pocket. As I reach the road I see it run over but a bus in the middle of the zebra crossing (yes I know... I'm such an upstanding citizen!).

I'm back on track to the train station hoping I don't miss my train. Almost in line of sight with it I see a lot of cars and heavy traffic thinking "People sure worry about a little bit of rain and would rather drive then get wet walking. Lucky me, I'll find a seat today!"

AND THEN... I reach a very very full station!
 I run down and get a newspaper.

It takes me about a minute to decide to go back home... Even if a train shows I'll never fit in it. I warned almost everyone who passed me that there was a strike so no need to be hasty (cashing in on some Karma while I'm at it).

And then I decide I should make some arrangements at school. Give some warning.
*message not sent*
Ahh... I need to put money on my phone.
I get home, and install all sorts of crap on my pc (format c: just yesterday).
Then I log onto the bank's website...
*We are running maintenance and are disinclined to acquiesce to your request* (I saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday... :p)

So e-mail it is.
Now I got an empty pc, a long day, maybe no Office to get some work done and a very very bad mood.
This is a post dedicated to my friend

My friend has many names... I have three names for him. I know his real name, I know his fake name and I often address him by a nickname. His name is Håvard, his name is Skorpys, his name is Pervie. Now you can call him Håvard or Skorpys but only I get to call him Pervie.

My friend lives in Norway (that part of Europe that resembles a flaccid... Well look it up on google if you don't know or just check out this video "This is Norway").

My friend plays with me. Yes I couldn't make it sound any worse by phrasing it like that. We play World of Warcraft for many years now. In fact we pretend to play because we don't really have the time to show up on online anymore but have chosen to keep in touch.

My friend is my friend because even though we only know each other online we can call each other friend.

This is my way to tell the world I have this friend and this friend is special to me. I know he doesn't need a thank you but I'll give him one anyway because that is what friends are for.

Thank you for being my friend.
"Howdy Manuela Adriano Moreira,

This is for your records, business papers, or what-have you.

Congratulations! You may now call yourself an official Dudeist Priest. You can also call yourself a Reverend, Minister, Cleric, Rabbi, or whatever you like. If you're interested in officiating at wedding ceremonies, please contact your local county clerk first to see if they recognize your new status as an ordained Minister.

The Dudely Lama
The Church of the Latter-Day Dude"

Why Thank You so very much Dudeism! I think I'm going with Priestess (short for Dudeist Priestess).

"The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely White/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962 (in common usage the ‘Capoid’ and ‘Congoid’ groups classified by Coon is merged under ‘Negroid’). There is no universally accepted classification for “race”, however, and its use has been under fire over the last few decades. The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world, according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American."

Anyone else get really annoyed to hear they are "Hispanic" or whatever? So the USA decides ethnicity can replace race and the rest of us have to listen to their stupidity... Luckily we are used to stupidity.
I saw some idiot woman on youtube that thought her race was Hispanic and she was shocked when she saw White on some official document... Americans! Honestly!
Like I would go to the USA and suddenly be another race? Whereas in Europe everyone is White unless they are Black or Asian.
Maybe that is why they have so much racism, maybe they should spend less time labelling people on some chart that goes from White through different shades of Brown to Black to figure out what race or ethnicity badge they should wear and all try being American.
Beside giving White people a bad reputation this obsession with ethnicity is so xenophobic... Is it so important to differentiate between the different types of Hispanic and White when they have no idea where any of those countries are anyway?
Why is it so important to carry a label of a place you have no idea where it is?
Or worse to label someone something you have no idea what it means?
Go European... Work your prejudice according to country. Once you learn where they are and who lives in them.