
20-point Hare PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist-Revised)
Item 1 Glibness/superficial charm
Item 2 Grandiose sense of self-worth
Item 3 Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Item 4 Pathological lying
Item 5 Cunning/manipulative
Item 6 Lack of remorse or guilt
Item 7 Shallow affect
Item 8 Callous/lack of empathy
Item 9 Parasitic lifestyle
Item 10 Poor behavioural controls
Item 11 Promiscuous sexual behaviour
Item 12 Early behaviour problems
Item 13 Lack of realistic long-term goals
Item 14 Impulsivity
Item 15 Irresponsibility
Item 16 Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Item 17 Many short-term marital relationships
Item 18 Juvenile delinquency
Item 19 Revocation of conditional release
Item 20 Criminal versatility
Scores: 0, 1 or 2
Total points: 40
What I learn watching The Biggest Loser / Peso Pesado (Portuguese version stupidly called Heavy Weight) - well not from the show itself but from the commercials - is:
(1) XLS pills to go from a size XL to a size S;
(2) Bio Active Slim Duo to lose weight while you sleep;
(3) Depuralina anti-cellulite to lose 30% fat, -4.5cm and get rid of the trash your body accumulates;
(4) Alli to help you lose 1kg for every 2kg you lose for yourself;
(5) Antistax for healthy legs, pain free and stronger blood vessels.

I wonder what the hell they do so much exercise for... In fact why do we bother dieting/exercising at all?
Waiting on feedback for gold, experience and general plunder and debaucheries!