The Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton, Liv Tyler)

From the movie - "Look for a Caucasian man" in a Brazilian factory (because we all know latinos are not Caucasian?? What am I then? Some half breed? :p)

From the trailer - "It's every bit as good as Iron Man" (hilarious lie quoted from Ain't it Cool News)

Wishful thinking - Make a new Eragon without explanation too (there was a Hulk movie already out staring Jennifer Connelly and Eric Bana not too long ago... If they can make a new Hulk they can make a new Eragon too!)

Como as novas tecnologias vieram complicar coisas tão fáceis... Como queixarmo-nos do trabalho e do patrão! Imagino a beleza e arte do Ruben e a Regina saberem tudo o que nós dizíamos de forma eloquente e digna atrás das costas deles...